Performance +197% YTD Outperforming all institutional funds
Published on: 03 August 2020
CARUS-AR is very proud to share that, when comparing our Crypto Strategy to other large institutional hedgefunds we outperform them all with amazing returns of +197% Year To Date (YTD)!
The content below is for informational purposes only, you should not construe any such information or other material as investment, financial, or other advice.*
Nilsson Hedge flashreport
The fantastic website has generated this report, where they show YTD results of the the best and worst Crypto funds.
As you can see below, the best performing fund YTD as of 2020-08-03 is the Lavaliere Capital Fund from Lavaliere Capital Management with a YTD return of +154%.
Quite a bit lower, but still amazing YTD return of +91%, is the fund Cyber Capital Fund A from Cyber Capital BV. Great to see a company from my country The Netherlands perform so well.
CARUS-AR beats on all of these large, institutional funds by a large margin with +197% YTD!
CARUS-AR has requested Nilsson Hedge to be added in the database for future reports.